Excelsius™ Technology

Surgical Robots in a Post-Pandemic Marketplace

Healthcare institutions continue to calculate the profound impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic. In a February 2021 American Hospital Association...
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Hospital Highlights Surgeon Spotlights

Hospital Highlight: Island Hospital

Island Hospital in Anacortes, Washington is the only hospital in the State of Washington to receive the 100 Best Orthopedic...
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Excelsius™ Technology MERC Course – June 11-12, 2021 Recap

The Excelsius™ Technology Symposium was hosted in Audubon, PA on June 11-12, 2021. On Friday, attendees settled in for a...
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Trade Show – ISASS 2021 RECAP

ISASS 2021 was the first live conference Globus Medical attended since COVID-19, and attendance exceeded pre-COVID attendance. The GMED booth...
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