Clinical outcomes with selectively constrained SECURE-C® cervical disc arthroplasty: two-year results from a prospective, randomized, controlled, multicenter investigational device exemption study

Vaccaro et al. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 38(26):2227–2239, 2013.

Minimally invasive sacroiliac joint fusion using a novel hydroxyapatite-coated screw: preliminary 1-year clinical and radiographic results of a 2-year prospective study

Rappoport et al. World Neurosurg 101:493–497, 2017.

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The comprehensive biomechanics and load-sharing of semirigid PEEK and semirigid posterior dynamic stabilization systems

Sengupta et al. Adv Orthop 2013:745610, 2013.

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