Scoliosis Correction

How is scoliosis correction performed?
To help stabilize the spine, screws are placed on each of the side of the vertebrae in the part of the bone called the pedicle. Hooks may also be used in conjunction with screws, and are placed around the pedicle or around the part of the bone called the lamina.
Rods are then secured in the screw heads, connecting adjacent vertebrae. The rods are shaped to match the desired corrected curvature of the spine, and are attached to the screws and/or hooks.



Screw insertion
Bone graft material is placed around the final assembly and as the spine heals, spinal fusion is accomplished by bone growth between the vertebrae. This bone growth permanently fixes the spine in the desired position. The implants hold the spine in the corrected position while the spine fuses.

1. National Scoliosis Foundation. Information and Support. Cited 28 Dec 20011. Available online at:
2. Smith, Justin S., et al. Risk-Benefit Assessment of Surgery for Adult Scoliosis. Spine 2011; 36(10): 817-824.
3. Herkowitz, Harry N. et al. The Lumbar Spine. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2004.
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