Doctor Discussion Guide

doctor and patient questions

Questions to ask your surgeon

As with any surgery, there are potential benefits and risks associated with each procedure. Only your doctor can determine if you are a candidate for a surgical procedure. If your doctor has recommended surgery to relieve your neck or back pain, here are some questions that you may want to ask before surgery.

You will be able to print these questions to take to your appointment.

  • What is the specific cause of my neck or back pain?
  • What procedure is recommended to relieve my pain, and how is it performed?
  • What are the benefits of this procedure in terms of pain relief, functioning/mobility? How long will the benefit last?
  • What are the risks and possible complications of the surgery?
  • What kind of implant or prosthesis will be used?
  • How long will the recovery take? What are my limitations during recovery?
  • What should I expect in terms of pain and mobility following surgery?
  • When can I go home after surgery? Will I need assistance at home after surgery?
  • When can I return to daily activities such as work, driving and exercise?
  • Are there any materials about this surgery that I can review? (Find a list of educational brochures by clicking here)

The material on this website is intended to be an educational resource only and is not meant to be a warranty or to replace a conversation between a patient and their physician or member of their health care team. Please consult a physician for a complete list of indications, contraindications, precautions, warnings, clinical results and other important medical information that pertains to this procedure. The decision to receive medical treatment is individualized to the patient and the patient’s symptoms. The information presented on this site may not apply to your condition, treatment or its outcome, as surgical techniques vary and complications can occur. It is important to discuss the viability of any surgical procedure with a physician to decide the right treatment option.