Business People Raising Their Hands

Italian Transparency – Confindustria Medical Devices

Globus Medical, as a member of Confindustria Medical Devices, is required to publish the transfers of value made during the previous year, directly or indirectly, to healthcare professionals, healthcare organizations, and third parties.

In this section we have provided the 2023 Transparency data relating to transfers of value to professionals in the healthcare sector, healthcare organizations, and third parties in compliance with the indications of the Confindustria Medical Devices Code of Ethics and through the Transparency Model made available by Confindustria Medical Devices.

All information will be available on the Globus Medical website for a period of 3 years from the date of publication.

For information on the regulation of the transparency of transfers of value between companies, healthcare professionals, and healthcare organizations, please consult the Code of Ethics of Confindustria Medical Devices – Section 4 available on the website of the trade association.

Previous Disclosures: